We know that coming to a church on the first visit can be hard. There are a lot of questions, so we want to give you a little feel of what to expect when you come for the first time.
1. How do we get in?
2. How should I dress?
3. Who else is coming?
4. I have kids, what is the plan for them?
1. How do we get in?
We have an entrance in the back of the building that leads to our next gen areas and an entrance on the Williams side that leads into our main Auditorium.
2. How should I dress?
We want you to be comfortable for honest worship. We do have a few folks who are more comfortable and worshipful dressed up, and that's great, but most of us wear casual clothes.
3. Who else is coming?
On most Sunday's, we have a wide range of color, age, and backgrounds at Faith Family. On any given Sunday, as many as 45% of our attendance is under the age of 18. But in recent years, we have seen God transform the lives of parents and grandparents in amazing ways. We also have a strong group of young professionals, whom God is using to impact His Kingdom every week.
4. I have kids, what is the plan for them?
- We are committed to helping your kids come to know Jesus in a safe and fun environment.
- Our FFC Kids staff is a group of phenomenal volunteers who love children and Jesus.
- Our volunteers have all had background checks.
- For safety, we use an electronic Check-in System that gives you a security badge so that your children are only released to those you trust.
- Each classroom is divided by age. See our facility map to know where your child should go.

5. What can I expect during the service?
6. Do I have to give?
7. Where do I park?
While our services have a typical feel, we have been known to mix it up for emphasis, but here is a standard service plan:
- We start with a powerful song, that our band leads us to sing together. Throughout history, singing has proven to be culturally unifying and inspiring.
- Then someone will usually offer a welcome with a few instructions like, “If you're visiting for the first time, would you fill out a connect card so we can get to know you better?” If you want to fill it out ahead of time, you could do that here.
- Then we will sing some more to God and about God. This is often a very moving time, when God speaks to hearts. If you need to pray with someone, ask an usher at the back of the room and either they will help you, or be able to introduce you to someone who can.
- Next, we usually have a few videos including announcements of upcoming events and sometimes a video introduction to the sermon.
- The sermon is a time when one of our pastors shares practical truths from the Bible to help us live out our faith in every relationship of our lives. It will last around 30 minutes or so.
- There is usually a closing prayer time and/or statement from another pastor, and that's it! You'll be dismissed to go get your children or to hang around and fellowship for a few minutes.
- For more in depth discussion and study, we gather in small groups we call Life Groups, throughout the week. You can join one of those here.
6. Do I have to give?
Giving is always optional. At FFC, we know that when you give to God, He always gives back more, and that this kind of sacrifice not only makes Him happy, but it lightens your heart as well. Still, the Bible is very clear that God loves “cheerful” givers, and although we offer a reminder and instructions on giving almost every week, this is not an obligation.
If you want to give there are a couple ways:
- There are black boxes in the back of the sanctuary where you can give cash or checks.
- You can give online at www.FaithFamily.life
7. Where do I park?
Unfortunately, our parking situation is tough right now, because God is growing our church. Still, we have some fantastic parking volunteers who will help guide you safely when you arrive. Parking is the back of the building. There are a few spots assigned for our handicapped members, otherwise parking is open.